Do you frequently check your reflection for evidence of hair loss? Have you been alarmed to notice that the hair on your forehead and temples is thinning? Is the blemish on your crown getting bigger every year? Do you worry that your baldness makes you look older than you are? Has it affected your sexual appeal and self-confidence? You’ve come to the right place if this issue is upsetting you and sounds similar. We can assist. Dr. Galope is a globally recognized leader and top authority on male hair restoration. Make an appointment right away.
What factors contribute to male pattern baldness?
In a nutshell, androgenetic alopecia, a hereditary tendency, is the main cause of male pattern baldness. The follicles are sensitive to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone type II in this disease. Other factors that contribute to male pattern baldness include:
- Genetics,
- Male Hormones,
- Health Issues, and
- Injuries
It is crucial that men get examined by a doctor because underlying medical disorders might occasionally be the cause of hair loss. The following procedures should be taken into consideration, if clinically appropriate:
- Anemia
- Thyroid Illness
- The disease of the Connective Tissue
- imbalances in hormones
- deficiencies in vitamins
- emotional tension
- Autoimmune Skin Conditions (alopecias with scars)
It’s also critical to check the use of pharmaceuticals including beta-blockers, vitamin A, thyroid pills, coumadin, and prednisone that can result in hair loss. If underlying issues are detected, the following laboratory tests are frequently helpful: CBC, Chem Screen, ANA, T4, TSH, androstenedione, DHEASulfate, and total and free testosterone.
Costs associated with hair restoration procedures
Why is surgery for hair restoration not an option for certain men?
Hair is moved during a hair transplant from an area of the scalp that is fuller and denser (often the back and sides) to one that is balding in the front, top, or crown. Men who don’t have enough hair in the harvest region aren’t good candidates for transplant surgeries. In order to assess your candidacy, Dr. Galope will use a procedure called “densitometry” to gauge the “strength” of the donor. Additionally, you might want to be aware of your Norwood Scale score.
As with any medical surgery, it’s critical to weigh the potential benefits against any potential hazards before deciding whether to go with hair restoration. Make an appointment right away.