Pattern Baldness

Pattern Baldness: Understanding Causes, Risks, and Solutions


Androgenetic alopecia, another name for pattern baldness, affects many people worldwide, but we still don’t fully understand why it happens. Many people need to learn what causes it, how risky it can be, or how to treat it. In this exploration, we’ll learn about pattern baldness step by step. We’ll uncover what makes it start, who’s more likely to get it, and how it can differ for men and women. By learning more about this common problem, we hope to help people feel more sure about how to care for their hair.

Receding hairline? Thinning hair? Patterned baldness? Don’t worry, Lasting Impression has you covered. Our team of highly skilled cosmetic dermatologists and hair restoration experts, led by Dr. Galope, provide the most advanced non-surgical treatments for hair loss, ensuring you regain your lustrous locks.

What causes pattern baldness?

Pattern baldness happens when your genes and hormones work together in a complicated way. Some people are more likely to get it because of their genes. Certain hormones, like dihydrotestosterone (DHT), attach to the hair follicles, making them smaller. This makes the hair thinner and eventually stops it from growing. It’s called “miniaturization.” As this happens, the hair becomes less and less, leaving bald spots or thinning areas. Understanding how genes and hormones work together helps us learn how to treat and manage baldness better.

Who’s at risk?

Pattern baldness tends to run in families, indicating a strong genetic component. Individuals with a family history of baldness are more likely to experience it themselves. However, it’s essential to note that while genetics play a significant role, environmental factors and lifestyle choices can also influence the onset and progression of pattern baldness.

7 Commonly Known as Pattern Baldness:

Pattern baldness, also referred to as androgenetic alopecia, is a prevalent condition that affects both men and women. Here are 7 key aspects of pattern baldness that are commonly recognized:

  1. Receding Hairline: A receding hairline is among the first indications of male pattern baldness. Often starting at the temples and gradually moving backward.
  2. Thinning at the Crown: In men, pattern baldness frequently involves thinning hair at the crown of the head, leading to a characteristic horseshoe-shaped pattern of remaining hair.
  3. Diffuse Thinning: Female pattern hair loss manifests as diffuse thinning throughout the scalp, with the hair becoming progressively thinner over time.
  4. Preservation of Hairline in Women: Unlike men, women with pattern baldness typically retain their hairline but experience overall hair thinning across the scalp.
  5. Genetic Predisposition: Pattern baldness is strongly influenced by genetics, with individuals having a family history of the condition being at higher risk of developing it themselves.
  6. Hormonal Factors: Hormonal imbalances, particularly increased levels of DHT or dihydrotestosterone, are important for developing pattern baldness by shrinking hair follicles and reducing hair growth.
  7. Predictable Pattern: One of the defining characteristics of pattern baldness is its predictable progression, following a specific pattern of hair loss that varies between men and women but tends to unfold gradually over time.

Male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia):

The type of hair loss that affects men most frequently is called male pattern baldness. It usually starts when men are in their late teens or early twenties and continues slowly. Scientists are still studying how it happens, but they think it’s mostly because of genes and a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone makes hair follicles on the scalp shrink gradually, leading to less hair growing and eventually causing baldness. Because of this process, many men deal with the effects of receding hairlines and thinning hair on the top of their heads.

Hair loss in women (androgenetic alopecia):

Even though it’s not as common as in men, many women also deal with losing hair in a pattern. This can affect how they feel about themselves and their lives. Women usually notice their hair getting thinner slowly, especially on the top. Interestingly, unlike men, women usually keep their hairline even as their hair thins out overall. Also, when women’s hormones change, like during menopause, it can make their hair loss worse if they’re already prone to this kind of baldness. This makes it even harder for them to deal with this tough situation.


Androgenetic alopecia, often known as pattern baldness, is a frequent condition that affects both men and women worldwide. While it is primarily driven by genetic and hormonal factors, lifestyle choices and environmental influences can also play a role. UKnowing the origins and contributing variables of pattern baldness is crucial for early detection and intervention. Fortunately, various treatment options, including medications, topical solutions, and surgical procedures, can help manage and even reverse hair loss. By staying informed and proactive, individuals can take control of their hair health and maintain a full, vibrant head of hair for years to come.



We are a Medical Aesthetic Spa located in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. 

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